Platinum Aspiring District Administrator Program - 2019
The Center for Executive Education Leadership (CEEL) Platinum program offerings have been designed to help you in your professional and personal growth. Participants in the platinum program must attend all three sessions.
Descriptions for each session are listed below:
Influencing Change Across Stakeholder Groups
November 6, 2019
All district administrators who aspire to make positive contributions to education need to be able to both vision and sell ideas within their districts. Research shows that the ability to gain agreement on ideas and changes across stakeholder groups greatly enhances the ability to lead successfully. Not being able to influence others might actually stall career advancement. The purpose of this session is to provide aspiring district administrators with the knowledge, techniques, and tools to effectively influence an array of stakeholders within their school district, thereby increasing effectiveness and credibility for additional initiatives.
Fiscal Management
February 18, 2020
You’ve got the basics for building your school level budget, but now you have to work with others to allocate scarce resources for all the schools in your district. You have been assigned certain funds to “manage”. Now what?? This course is designed to familiarize the aspiring district administrator to understand the basic building blocks to “district level” budget and fund allocation. You will learn how districts get money, the parameters by which spending decisions are made, and will be equipped to engage in meaningful discussion about the types of monies that flow through a district office.
Resilience and Persistence in Leadership
March 11, 2020
Resilience is formally defined as the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties. And it requires a certain amount of toughness. Persistence is a firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition. In your leadership journey a large measure of both of these qualities will be needed. Learn about your understanding and use of these qualities and how they might make or break your success as a school leader.
Pre-registration and payment are required to attend all CEEL workshops. No walk-ins will be accepted.
If you do not receive a confirmation email, please call the SCASA office at (803) 798-8380.
- Your required registration fee covers all program elements including assessments, development plan, executive coaching, and three workshops. Separate payment for individual program elements is not permitted.
- Online registration must be paid by credit card.
- After completing your payment, you will receive a confirmation email for the strand as well as for the individual sessions within the program.
- To pay by check, please click here to print a registration form to mail in with your check.
- Even if you are paying by check, please log in and update your profile.
- SCASA does not accept purchase orders.
Fellowships Available
- Each principal eligible for the platinum level program will be provided a 50% fellowship to defray the cost of registration.
- Platinum program elements represent a value of $1,750, but the reduced registration fee will be $875.
Cancellation Policy
- Due to nature of the platinum program, all cancellations must be submitted in writing to [email protected] by August 1, 2019.
- Cancellations submitted by August 1st, will be refunded the amount paid minus the cost of the assessment and debrief session.
- Cancellations received after August 1, 2019 will not receive a refund.

Requirements for Contact Hours
- You will only receive credit for the number of contact hours in which you participate.
- In order to earn your Platinum CEEL certificate, you are required to complete all full day workshops in the Silver, Gold, and Platinum strand in its entirety.
Click "Add to Cart" to register.
Pre-registration and payment are required to attend all CEEL workshops. No walk-ins will be accepted.
- Your required registration fee covers all program elements as listed in the Assurances section above. Separate payment for individual program elements is not permitted.
- Online registration must be paid by credit card.
- After completing your payment, you will receive a confirmation email for the strand as well as for the individual sessions within the program.
- To pay by check, please click here to print a registration form to mail in with your check.
- Even if you are paying by check, please log in and update your profile.
- SCASA does not accept purchase orders.
Fellowships Available
- Each principal eligible for the platinum level program will be provided a 50% fellowship to defray the cost of registration.
- Platinum program elements represent a value of $1,750, but the reduced registration fee will be $875.
Cancellation Policy
- Due to nature of the Platinum program, all cancellations must be submitted in writing to [email protected] by August 1, 2019.
- Cancellations submitted by August 1st, will be refunded the amount paid minus the cost of the assessment and debrief session.
- Cancellations received after August 1, 2019 will not receive a refund.